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    Hydrochloric acid, PP, 34-37%, Poly 1 L

    Varenr: SCP.250-039-153
    Tilgjengelighet: Bestillingsvare
    kr 2 832,00

    PlasmaPUREacids are manufactured with trace metals equal to or less than 1 ppb. Used for environmental and industrial applications in ICP-AES and flame atomic absorption spectroscopy.

    • Complete with a Certificate of Analysis with lot number, expiry date, & maximum specification for over 60 analytes
    - Complete documentation for audit purposes

    • Refined for low trace metals analysis

    • 2 expiry dates (up to 3 years unopened and 15 months opened)
    - Long shelf life for unopened bottles

    Volum1 L
    1 L