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    Welcome to Starna Scientific ®

    Starna® Certified Reference Materials, spectrophotometer cells / cuvettes and optical components enjoy a worldwide reputation for quality, service and reliability.

    These products are backed by over eighty years’ experience in optical manufacture and associated technologies and the highest level of accreditation and quality assurance. Long established relationships with leading instrument manufacturers and Standards Organisations worldwide not only ensure that Starna products are fit for purpose, but have led to many product refinements and innovations - the process of sealing liquid and vapour cells by heat fusion alone was a Starna development, and is one of the reasons for the unrivalled long-term stability of Starna Certified Reference Materials.

    All manufacturing processes are carried out in an ISO 9001 certified production facility. Starna is accredited to ISO 17034 as a Reference Material Producer, and the scope of the Calibration Laboratory’s ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation is the widest in the industry. Starna Certified Reference Materials are calibrated with full traceability to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) primary standards in the USA, or to other National Metrological Laboratories (NMIs), where applicable.

    A unique blend of in-house optical production skills includes: cutting, slicing, grinding, polishing, drilling, ultrasonic drilling, glassblowing and heat fusion.   A range of metallic, multi-layer and anti-reflection coating processes are also employed. Stringent cleaning techniques and mandatory inspection procedures ensure that all optical products leave the factory in a pristine contamination-free condition, carrying an unconditional guarantee against defects. In addition to the vast product range described in this website, Starna welcomes enquiries for custom and OEM products.

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    Macro Cell Type 1 Rectangular Open top, with non-sealing PTFE cover

    Type 1/Q/100
    Type 1/Q/100
    kr 4 194,00

    Macro Cell Type 1 Rectangular Open top, with non-sealing PTFE cover

    Type 1/G/100
    Type 1/G/100
    kr 2 029,00

    Macro Cell Type 1 Rectangular Open top, with non-sealing PTFE cover

    Type 1/Q/10
    Type 1/Q/10
    kr 849,00

    Micro Cell Type 18 Rectangular Reduced nominal volume to <20% of Standard rectangular

    Type 18/Q/100
    Type 18/Q/100
    kr 6 327,00